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Zigong salt industry history museum is located in the center of zigong city, sichuan province, built in 1959, is one of the professional museums established early in the history of China's museum development, and is still China's salt industry history museum. Over the past 40 years since its establishment, the Museum has made important achievements in collecting, researching, displaying and protecting cultural relics of China's salt history, mainly well salt, and has become a leader among the nearly 2,000 existing museums in China, and has successively been honored as a national prefecture-level museum and an advanced group in the national culture and exposition system. UNESCO's "Museum" quarterly magazine has made a special introduction to the Museum. The site of the Museum consists of two ancient buildings. One is the national key cultural relics protection unit West Qin Hall and its ancillary buildings, covers an area of 6303 square meter; one is the Sichuan provincial cultural relics protection unit of the temple of the king, covers an area of 705 square meter. the basic display of the museum for the "well salt production technology development history", and can be held at the same time 1 ~ 4 temporary exhibitions; open to the public all year round, and receives about 200,000 visitors per year.


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Add : No.4, Binjiang Road, Ziliujing District, Zigong City, Sichuan, P.R. China, 643000