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In March 2001, approved by the Ministry of Land and Resources, Zigong Geopark became one of the first national geoparks; in February 2008, it was formally approved by the Executive Board of the UNESCO-supported Global Geoparks Network (GGN) to join the GGN; in September 2012, the work done by Zigong Global Geopark was recognized by the Executive Board of the UNESCO-supported Global Geoparks Network (GGN), and it successfully passed the reevaluation; in August 2016, the application for expansion made by Zigong Global Geopark was recognized by the on-site evaluation experts, and the application for expansion was officially passed on May 4, 2017, becoming Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark.

The Administration for Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark was established in 2008, responsible for decision-making on major events. In 2009, the Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark Administrator Office was established as a permanent subsidiary institution of the Administration for Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark. Since 2012, the Geopark's management system has been improved. The Administration for Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark holds regular work meetings annually to discuss and address significant matters related to the Geopark. The Experts Committee of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark has undergone adjustments. The Plan of the Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark of China (2010–2020) and the Master Plan of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark (2021–2035) have been formulated. The Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark Administrator Office has a Research and Conservation Department, Science Popularisation Education Department, Marketing Department and Office. The former three departments jointly manage the Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Zigong Salt Industry History Museum, Ziliujing Administration Office, Gongjing Administration Office, Da’an Administration Office and Rongxian County Administration Office. In 2019, the Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark Administrator Office was renamed to the Administrator Center of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark and adjusted the member units of the Administration of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark.

Currently, the total number of geopark employees is 274, of which the number of female employees is 115, or 42%. The current team of specialists among the regular employees totals 19, including a total of 5 specialists in geology.

Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark is located in Zigong City of Sichuan Province, a city known as “one-thousand-year salt capital, hometown of dinosaur and lantern town of China”; the north boundary of Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark is Qinglong Mountain of Guanshan Town; the south boundary is Spinulose Tree Fern Valley of Dongjia Town; the west boundary is municipal boundary between Zigong City and Leshan City and the east boundary is Sanduozhai Town of Da’an District; the geopark covers an area of 1,630.46 square meters.

About 250 million years ago (Neopaleozoic to Mesozoic), ocean-land conversion was completed in Zigong UNESCO Global Geopark zone, remaining salt water basin formed salt mineral deposit; geological conformation movement continued, which formed basin dotted among plain, river and lakes and marshes. About 100 million years ago (middle-late Jurassic epoch), Dinosaurs were prosperous on the earth, and dinosaur and silicified wood orictocoenosis were formed under certain conditions. In the 1st Century, ancestors living here began to exploit salt mineral deposit formed by paleo-ocean, creating glorious salt industry civilization.


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Add : No.4, Binjiang Road, Ziliujing District, Zigong City, Sichuan, P.R. China, 643000