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The Geology

The Geopark is located in the southern part of Sichuan Basin.Its geotectonic setting of the Geopark belongs to the upper Yangtze block, the Sichuan foreland basin, and the south margin of Weiyuan uplift, with Huayin Mountain front fold belt attached to the southeast, while the Xuyong-Junlian superimposed folds adjacent to southwest.The structures here are quite simple and the strata are horizontal. The southeastern side features tight folds in long and narrow structure; the northwestern side has relatively wide and flat structure. Folds are mainly in the northeast-to-southwest direction and are patterned in echelon. From the west to the east, there are ten small anticlines and synclines. Basement tectonics mainly characterized by deep-large fault.

After the Jinningorogeny, the unexposed basement of the area of the Geopark shaped up, forming the large northeast negative tectonics with three deep-large faults of Huaying Mountain, the Mingjiang River and Weiyuan-Rong County boundaries, and metamorphic pyroclastic rock and granite being the basement. There is thick sedimentary cover, from the Neoproterozoic to the Paleogene, deposited on the basement. As the result of Caledonian orogeny, Variscan-Indosinianorogeny and Yanshan-Himalayan orogeny, three structural layers of distinctive features were formed, namely Caledonian structural layer, Variscan-Indosinian structural layer and Yanshan Mountain -Himalayan structural layer.

The oldest exposed strata in the area of the Geopark are the Triassic, including the lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation, the middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation and the upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation. The Jurassic is the most widely distributed in the area. From the bottom up, there are lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation (including Zhenzhuchong Member, Dongyuemiao Member, Ma'anshan Member, Da'anzhai Member), middle Jurassic Xintiangou Formation and Shaximiao Formation, upper Jurassic Suining Formation and Penglaizhen Formation. The Cretaceous is exposed only in the southwest area, including the lower Cretaceous Wotoshan Formation and the upper Cretaceous Sanhe Formation. The Cenozoic includes the Eocene Liujia Formation and the Quaternary. The remaining Liujia Formation locates in the area of Liujia Town in Yibing City; The Quaternary mainly lies along the Yangtze River and its branches. The major strata containing slat mine in the Park is Triassic Jialingjiang Formation and Leikoupo Formation; the major strata containing dinosaur fossil are the Ziliujing Formation and the Shaximiao Formation. 


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Add : No.4, Binjiang Road, Ziliujing District, Zigong City, Sichuan, P.R. China, 643000